When things get tough, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. I know for me, I tend to believe I have limited resources – no time, not enough money, or no people to do the things I want to do. But what if I were to flip this equation? What if I’ve just taken a negative approach, and my problem is actually limited resourcefulness?

Embracing a Change

Change is about finding a different yet better outcome. Such as moving your business away from something that isn’t working or avoiding something that’s frustrating. Most importantly, change is about communicating where you want your business to be in the future and setting those goals or aspirations for everyone in your team.

Having dealt with change in business for over 35 years, I know change is challenging.

Following are examples of a road-map to negativity that can cause change to be harder than it should;

  • With change pending, initially I usually feel a little uncomfortable, and perhaps the first steps down the change path feel a little bit awkward. Then I wonder if I am all alone, because I don’t really want to ask questions just in case I get embarrassed.
  • Or perhaps there is so much that needs to be changed, I procrastinate or become overwhelmed. My stress levels go up, my head starts to spin with the things that could go wrong…
  • I look at all the problems of why change won’t work, what can go wrong, and of all the discussions I will need to have to get people on board.

When I’m in that negative space, I have already judged the outcome. I have created reasons and obstacles as to why change won’t be successful.

And now I am feeling exhausted! Drop me a line and let me know how you feel about and cope with change.

Flip The Switch

So what if we flipped this to the positive side, and approached the issue of change from a perspective of limited resourcefulness? What would the mindset be, and how would my approach differ?

Being resourceful means being creative, innovative, imaginative, enthusiastic and my favourite, being curious.

So if resourcefulness is limited, then it’s a mindset that we need to change, rather than the resources themselves. It’s not your time, money, nor people.

It’s Time To Engage

When approaching change, the first thing I do is engage – engage others in conversation. This might be with employees, other people in the industry, or with respected advisers. A key learning is that these discussions are not necessarily the casual chat you are having at the local pub with friends or mates, but instead are planned and purposeful. As I have seen through many years of business, change is important and it should be treated with respect.

To be positive, our engagement needs to be based on curiosity. Asking open questions to hear alternatives and options, without a need to judge the answer as being right or wrong. Here’s what I might ask, what about you?

Remain Curious and Open

Here are some questions to avoid getting to an answer too quickly, providing a basis for us to remain curious before a decision is made;

  • What does this look like from your perspective?
  • I’m interested in your views – tell me more
  • I know you approach solving problems differently to me, what do you see as the way forward?
  • I know you have some great ideas, how would you see this being implemented?
  • I’m intrigued as to how you would approach this problem, please tell me more
  • What issues do you think we will run into?

What questions do you find that work? Have you got one that specifically makes a difference?

I know that in Business Coaching I challenge business owners to be open to not only change, but Positive Change. Positive Change enables you to grow revenues and gross margins with more of the customers that love you, as well as to set winning strategies to build long term and sustainable profits and cash-flow, and to position and leverage your business to get the team working for you so you get more quality time with family and friends.

As a Business Coach, my role is to share your business journey with you. Change happens over time. The initial first small steps first are vital as it proves that change is possible. Small steps at each stage of change allows us to test and verify change before it is implemented. We want to understand the impact of change before we commence it so that we limit the risk of making a mistake that could cripple the business. My role is to help you through this process and ask the right questions so you make the best decision possible.

If you would like to explore how change could add six figures and beyond to your business within a year, then send me an email david@unlockingyourfuture.com.au or schedule a call https://go.oncehub.com/DavidLockwood