Ever wondered what business coaching could do for you? Here are three signs that can help you recognize when you should call a business coach.
1 Stressed to the max and not sleeping at night
Being a business owner is a lonely job. You are responsible for sales, marketing, employing the staff, earning enough $ to keep the family going/pay school fees…and yet you are most likely to be passionate about your product or service (and your customers) but your to do list is so long, and you are not sure where to start – perhaps you are mostly reactive, when something hits your desk, you action it straight away because that is where most of the “noise” is coming from.
So, with all the tasks you do, and the ones that you have missed, or forgotten about, slowly over time your stress levels increase, continually over time, more and more. Your mind is buzzing with your to do list, and you go to bed thinking about all the things you have to do tomorrow, or all the things you have gotten around to do. Or the latest “crisis” that you have to deal with even though you have no available time.
2 You are on payment plan with the ATO and not sure if you can generate the cash to pay them next month
Business has been tight and thought no fault of anybody; you get behind in paying PAYG and employees’ super. Eventually, you got yourself onto a payment plan Pay someone to do a class for you with the ATO but now your cash flow is even tighter, and you are stressing about whether the business can generate enough cash to meet the repayment plan.
3 You are working harder than ever have before, but don’t seem to be getting anywhere
You need to make more money, so decided to expand the business, but after doing this for nine months, all you have is more employees and more issues with customers. You spend more time managing cash, chasing debtors, dealing with invoice queries, or ensuring creditors supply you on time. Your turnover may have increased, but so have your headaches!
Also Read: Determine if your business can create a cascade of cash
So, how can a business coach help you with these issues? You want your Business Coach Melbourne to be independent, so they can objectively look at your business and help you understand why your business does what it does. Like any coach, your business coach looks at the basics of your business, the building blocks, and then creates a plan to optimise your business.
The benefits of coaching happen over time. Having a structured business plan that moves your business forward, that creates a better way for you to manage your business and optimize and grow net profit, plus giving business owners the ability to use a sounding board, are all key outcomes that I pride myself on.
As your Melbourne business coach, let me buy you a free coffee, and we’ll have a (free) chat to see how together we can remove roadblocks and overcome obstacles to you running a better business.